Our story engine


Your story starts with you.
Why do you do what you do? What sets you apart? Why should anyone care?

Many businesses take a ‘sausage-factory’ approach to communications, using a product or service launch to create a short-lived peak of awareness before going quiet again until the next launch moment. 
The Narrative Edge Story-Engine is different. The core story at the heart of your strategy is purposeful and unique, and every communication moment becomes a chance to tell that story. Your products and services become chapters in an ongoing narrative; they prove your story rather than driving it. 

The Story-Engine builds a consistent thread of why you do what you do, helping you to be relevant to your customers and different to your competitors.

But like all engines, the Story Engine needs ignition. A spark. Every story has to start somewhere.

We start with research, an Immerse phase where we get under the bonnet of your organisation, your customers, your marketplace, your competitors, to find out who's saying what, what's driving the customer, where the common ground is and, most importantly, where the gaps are. 

Immerse can also help you understand the strengths and opportunities within your own communications plans, structures, teams and processes. It can inform a longer brand strategy project, or be a self contained audit that helps you make immediate changes with long term benefits to your communications performance. 

And if we go on to Explore possible directions for your brand story, we'll do it together. The Story Engine is a collaborative process, and Explore is built around a series of workshops where we work with people from across your organisation to play around with the nuts and bolts of your business, customers and industry to find the story and drivers that will be unique to you and relevant to your audience. We believe in "do with, not to" so deliver a fun and playful process that builds engagement, ownership and pride in the results.

So whether you're an organisation looking to get the best out of your communications strategy and teams, a businesses in need of a new brand story to set yourselves apart, or an agency who could use some additional expertise to crack a client brief, drop us a line and let us Immerse ourselves in your world. 
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